Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 22 - Krakow

Katowice Zone Training - March 2017

Hello there everyone!

     How are things going?  Hope it's well for all of you wherever you are. 

This week was pretty good.  We have had a lot of lessons recently, which is the way we like it.  We're working hard with members and have like 3 members left to visit before we have visited all of them this transfer, so that's pretty cool.  We'll try to get a couple more meetings this upcoming week.  

We had a meeting with a couple from India for the first time on Wednesday, and we taught them about the Restoration.  It went pretty well.  They committed to baptism, so that's super exciting.  We'll see where it goes from here and we'll have a lesson or two this week and try to make some progress with them. 

We weren't able to get back to Nowy Sącz this week, but we're tentatively planning on Wednesday to return and teach C again.  Hopefully we can make that happen.  We had a lesson with A on Tuesday, and we talked with her about the importance of the Book of Mormon.  We committed her to read and pray about it, then we asked her if she received the answer that the Book of Mormon is true if she would get baptized, and she said probably not, at least not yet.  We're hoping her heart is a little softened as she reads and finds out of it's truthfulness. 

We are also working with some of our recent converts on Family History.  It's been going really well.  I really didn't know much about Family History before my mission, but I've learned quite a bit about it here.  It's super cool.  I encourage all of ya'll to take a look at it. 

With the language, I'm able to understand other missionaries almost 100%, with native Poles it's still about 30% depending on what they are talking about, and President Turek is somewhere in between.  It's gotten a lot better though, and hopefully it will keep improving.  

The weather in Kraków doesn't quite know what to do with itself.  Sometimes it will be a pretty warm day, then others will be a little chilly.  It's nothing like winter though, and we're hoping that consistent spring weather is just around the corner.  

With our apartment, we have a kitchen, a laundry room (with a washer and a couple of shelves), a bathroom (toilet, sink, and shower) a study room, a bed room, and another room that's kind of just a room where we hang laundry.  It's a fairly good-sized apartment.  It's heated fairly well.  We'll see how it gets once it starts to get warmer here.  

For P-days, the last few we've just kind of hung out at the chapel and watched mormon messages (super boring, but it's also super relaxing and it saves money).  Today, we will play some frisbee, so that should be fun.  We'll see how it goes.  We usually do laundry on just any day of the week.  Pop those clothes in before bed, time it to go off at 7 or so in the morning, then hang it up to dry before planning.  It's convenient.  I ironed one shirt the morning after I got in Poland, and that's it.  The shirts I got are super good at straightening out.  
This week should be a good week as well.  We have some more lessons set up, and we might take another trek out to Nowy Sącz.  We'll see how it goes.  I'm looking forward to it.  Well I love you all, and hope you have an amazing week!

-Elder Hadfield

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