Monday, September 17, 2018 - Gdansk, Poland:

Branch Member, Elder Hadfield, Elder & Sister Murri |
4 h 57 min (499.2 km) |
Poznan Elders - Hadfield & Long |
This week was pretty hectic, but it was a good
one. We got to go back to Łódź (my second area) for a baptismal
interview, which was way good. We had zone conference on Friday,
which went well, I enjoyed it a lot. We also had a conference in Gdańsk
with Elder Uchtdorf yesterday, which was honestly so baller! I loved it,
you could just feel the Spirit so strongly as he spoke, it was the
coolest. We slept over in Gdańsk, then made our way to our cities this
morning. Today is also transfer day, and I'm actually in a new
city! I'm currently in Poznań, and I'm interested to see how this
transfer goes. I'm slightly surprised by the transfer, but it should be
good. I'm with Elder Long, and we are whitewashing, so we'll see how this
goes. That's about all the time I have for this week, but I hope you are
doing well and have a good week!
-Elder Hadfield
Elder Hadield and Elder Blau meet up in Gdansk |
Elders Hadfield & Maslowski |