Elder Dossett, Elder Hadfield, Elder Erickson (MTC Buddies) |
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Happy Mother's Day 2018 ! |
It was another good week. Skyping was solid yesterday, it
was good to see all y'all again. Kinda weird that it was the last
one. We had meetings with just a couple of the people we're working with,
and they were good. We met with P on Thursday, and that went pretty
well. We were on exchanges during that with missionaries from Lublin, and
Elder Dickson went and taught M and M with one of the elders from Lublin.
Don't really know who that is, I haven't met him yet, but I think the meeting
went alright. M says he would like to be baptized, so we're hoping we can
keep working with him to that point. We'll see how it goes. I told
you about L and K, how they were in church yesterday and are going to start
working with the senior couple. We were going to have a meeting with K
this week, but he couldn't find time, and kind of the same situation with R.
So we'll see if we can get some stuff to happen with them this week.
Today was pretty good. We spent some time with Elder
Dossett this morning before he left for his new area in Białystok, and that was
pretty fun. Then later today, Elder White came in to Warsaw because he's
finishing his mission, so we got to chat with him for a bit. It's pretty
unbelievable that he's finishing his mission. If you remember, we were in
the same district in Kraków my first transfer, and I rememer it feeling like we
both just had so long left, and all of a sudden here it is.
We had our culture night on Wednesday, and we did that with
the rest of the missionaries in Warsaw. That was super fun. We went
to some kind of science museum, and it was pretty sick. I enjoyed
it. It was good spending time with the other missionaries.
The funnest part of the week was probably balling it up with
Elder Erickson on Saturday, that was just a blast. I love that guy,
pretty pumped that he's my district leader this transfer. The most
spiritual event I had this week was yesterday during the second hour of
church. The office senior couple was teaching a couple from Iran, and
they are scheduled to get baptized this Saturday. We got to do the
baptismal interviews for them, and my interview with the guy was just awesome.
He's just so prepared and humble, you could just feel his testimony radiating
from his face. Such a cool experience.
This week should be another busy week. We have a couple of
meetings lined up for tomorrow, on Wednesday we have some
meetings, and on Friday we have MLC. So it should be another
good week. Hope it's a good week for you as well.
-Elder Hadfield
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