26 Sierpnia = 26th of August. Guess when Jake's birthday is?! |
All Saints Day! |
All Saints Day at the Cemetery |
20 zlot hot chocolate! |
Getting ready to go clean graves |
Elder Hadfield's year mark! |
Waiting 15 minutes for the Tram |
The look of having to wait 15 minutes or the tram |
Elder Blau and his new scarf! |
Snow! |
Staying together - 18 week transfer! |
Hey all!
How are things going on out there? Hope they are going well for you
all. This week was pretty solid. We had some solid lessons this
week. We had one with T. at his place on Thursday, and it went
well. We read Moroni 7 together, and he really enjoyed it. I also
send out a daily scripture text to like 10 people, both from back in Kraków and
here in Łódź, and he asked if he could get those, and he's pretty pumped for
that. We also had district meeting with President Turek on Tuesday which
was pretty great. President is a great man. We had a lesson with W.
later that day, and we finished the recent convert lessons with him, but we're
still planning on meeting with him weekly to keep working with him. We
also had a meeting with a new investigator on Saturday, I. He's from
Ukraine, and we met with him over Skype. The lesson went well, and he
committed to pray daily, so we're excited to keep working with him and see how
it goes. We also on Saturday got our transfer calls. We
found out that Elder Blau and I will be staying together another 9 weeks!
So we're pretty pumped about that. In fact, our whole district is staying
the same. So that should be really cool. But yea, we're excited for
this next transfer and what it will bring.
Yesterday, I ended up
teaching the gospel principles class. The topic was prayer, and I found a
scripture I really liked. It's in Alma chapter 37:
36 Yea,
and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all
thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be
in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord;
yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.
37 Counsel with
the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when
thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in
your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full
of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the
last day.
Prayer is something that I've learned a lot about on my
mission, both through personal experience and through seeing others
experiences. I like this scripture because, as it says, if we constantly
direct our thoughts to the Lord through praying often, we will have his
influence in our life and we will be guided. How awesome it is to know
that when we have a bad day or have challenges in life, we can talk with the
most powerful Being in the universe, and he will listen to us and help
Love you all, and have a legendary week!
-Elder Hadfield
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