Hey everyone!
This week was a quick one. Pretty crazy that it's p-day already and
I'm writing you all again. This week was good though. We had some
good lessons with W. and T., our recent convert and less-active. We
weren't able to meet with O. last week, but we have a meeting set up for Wednesday,
and we're praying that it will go well.
We've done a lot of finding this
last week for our English class, and we've been seeing some growth in
that. Which is good. We're also having more people stay for the
spiritual thought we share afterwards, so that's pretty sweet. Hoping to
see this success continue so we can start getting some new investigators.
With tracting, usually it's in apartment buildings, so we usually ring on what are called domofons. I attached a video I took of one my third transfer. Basically how it works, is you stand outside the apartment building and enter in the number of the apartment you want to call to, and then they'll answer and you can talk back and forth. We usually go with the approach something like "Jesteśmy z Kościoła Jezusa Chrystusa, i dzisiaj rozmawiamy z ludźmi o Jezusie Chrystusie", or "We're from the Church of Jesus Christ, and today we are talking with people about Jesus Christ". Then if they want to listen, they'll either listen over the domofon, or they'll let us in. We'll usually talk about how Jesus visited the people in ancient America. It's good.
But yea, excited to see what this week brings. Hoping it goes well and we
can get some new people here. Hope y'all have a great week!
-Elder Hadfield
Elder Blau |
Elder Blau said: This just showed up on Piotrkowska one day. I don't know what it is |
From the blog of Jake's Companion, Elder Blau:
These buildings are the bread and butter of Lodz. |
Area: Łódż
Companion: Starszy Hadfield
This week has been pretty good. Nothing too crazy has happened, but I'll do my best to make this a solid letter. We had some cleaning to do last week because some sort of check thing was happening. I used to think that we had a really clean apartment. There are a few points in that last sentence that are pretty important for understanding. One of them is the use of the past tense. We cleaned everything pretty well and then the District President came. His name is possibly President Jarosz. I know how to say it, but spelling is way beyond my capabilities. He found everything. It was good though. We changed out our water filter and fixed a bunch of stuff. It ended up being a really good thing to do.
I think that I passed my 100 day mark this week. I don't know how I feel about that. It feels way too fast, but at the same time, I feel a little like I have always been on a mission. Elder Hadfield sang sto lat to me, but switched the lat for some case of dzień. I think that that was the day of the silliest rain storm of my life. We have been finding people from the Area Book and visiting them and then knocking on the doors of their neighbors recently. We went out to find this one guy who lived so far out of the city center that his house was in a forest. He was nice, but not interested. Then we were waiting to go back to the center on a tram when it started to rain. It soon became some of the hardest rain that I have seen for a long time. We were under a cover, so we were safe. We got on the tram, and we were going on our merry way through a torrential downpour. Then all of the sudden the rain stopped. It had only been like 10 min. That wasn't even the silly part. The sun came out and there was a beautiful sunset. We got off at a stop to switch trams, then suddenly there were trams that shouldn't have been there going down the track. I guess that the 10 min rain had flooded their tracks. It was all types of ridiculous. I can't support it. I don't think that it has rained since then.
We taught English on Saturday, and I thought that It was bomb. The most people that we have had come to a Saturday English class has been 2, and last week we didn't have anyone. This week there were 5 people. It was insane. They just kept coming. We started with a prayer like normal and then had everyone describe their favorite movie. It ended up that a lot of the favorite movies were really sad, but I found a way to only cry a little bit. After that we played a game where we had one person go out of the room and we picked something that they had to draw and then we had to explain step by step how to draw it. It worked really well. We got some great drawings out of it. Picasso would have been proud. After that we had two people stay for the Religious discussion after the class, and they liked it a lot. Four of the people said that they were going to come back next week and the other one said that he might go horseback riding or something. I'm pumped. It was a good English class.
[Answers to Dad's questions]:
Question: So my impression is that you're having a pretty good time. Scale of 1 to 10? Also, tell us something about Elder Hadfield. Answer: Like a solid 8. Elder Hadfield is great. He speaks Polish really well and is a hard worker. He really doesn't like listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving, so I have been playing a bit of it. It is pretty fun. We back up our side with scripture and everything. He also has seen like no movies. It is incredible. None of my quotes are working. All that I have to work with is Spongebob. It is really funny. I like him a lot.
Questions: How many people come to the branch on her regular Sunday? Tell us a little something about how the branch functions. Do you have to teach lessons every week? Answer: We normally have about 20ish people on a normal Sunday. They normally have a missionary play the piano and We normally teach Gosple principles, but next week we are having a recent convert teach it. The branch is pretty good here. Most of the members are really nice to us.
Questions: Do you ever get to play your melodica ? Your guitar? What are you doing for exercise right now? Pull-ups? :-) Answer: I played my melodica for a little bit a couple days ago. I play guitar a lot. I haven't played it on the street yet because we haven't done many district finding activities. For exercise I have been doing a lot of stretching and some push ups. I read in the adjusting to Missionary life book, that I am allowed to march to appropriate music. I thought that was pretty funny. The door frames in our apartment are weird, so I haven't done any pull ups yet. Maybe my next apartment will be better.